How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wish I could be, part of that world.

I think I'll plant chilies next.

Jack and the beanstalk

One of my friends gave me seeds a while ago and I didn't have a chance to plant them until a few weeks ago. This is what has emerged. I have actually forgotten what plant she said it would grow into. The surprise of watching something unfold - I hope it's something edible.

Purple dresses

Tailor fitted perfection -
Purple dresses
Fed by moonlight
Dancing with uneven feet. 

Be careful with my heart

My cactus needs a new home. 
It has outgrown this one. 
Drowned in dew
And abnormal winter rains.
Yearning for spots of sun.